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    CHECK  FOR  MAIL AT LOG-ON,  when enabled,  will  force  the
    system  to scan the message-base for new mail  addressed  to
    the  user  (regardless of what area it is in,  provided  the
    user has access to that area) at log-on.

    The FULL MAIL CHECK option determines the type of mail check
    that is performed.  A full check scans from the start to the
    end  of the message-base for all mail addressed to the  user
    that does not have the "Received" flag set.  If you set  the
    option  to "Off",  the message base is only checked from the
    last message that the user read.  While this is much faster,
    there  is the possibility that some mail may be  skipped  if
    the  user  elected not to read his/her mail during the  last

    The  QUOTE STRING is a highlight character that RemoteAccess
    will place in front of any message that is replied  to.  For
    example,  a  message quoted using " > " as the quoter  would
    look like:

        > I have been using RemoteAccess for 2 months now and
        > love it!

        I have to agree with you there,  Tom.  Flexibility-wise
        you just can't beat it.

    A  '@' character in the quote string will be translated into
    the initials of the person whose message is being quoted.

    If the RENUMBER THRESHOLD option is set to a non-zero value,
    RAMSG   will  automatically  renumber   the  entire  message
    database  when  the  highest  message  number   reaches  the
    predetermined value.

    EXTERNAL  EDITOR.  This is the DOS command line that will be
    used  to activate a full screen message editor,  if  one  is
    installed.  This  option is available only to users of  ANSI
    graphics.  The  full screen editor is a third-party  package
    that  enables messages to be entered in a  "word-processing"
    environment,   with  cursor  movement  and  text  formatting
    ability.   QuickEd  is  one  such  package  that  interfaces
    directly to RemoteAccess.  This command line may contain any
    of  the metacommands listed in the description of the type 7
    menu  command,  including  *M to swap  RemoteAccess  out  of
    memory before the editor is loaded.

    Set the ORIGIN LINE  to the message you would  like appended
    to all outgoing EchoMail messages.  This will take effect in
    all  areas except where  you have entered  a specific origin
    line for a particular area.

    The REPLY HEADER is displayed at the top of a message when a
    user replies to a message that was not  originally addressed
    to him/her. The following macro characters may be used:

      @ - Person the original message was addressed to,
      # - Person who posted the original message,
      ` - Date of the original message,
      ~ - Time of the original message.

    The last three  options in  this submenu  relate to  sending
    netmail messages as  "crash", or immediately, and  attaching
    files to netmail messages.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson